Top 10 Best React Courses on Udemy [2022 Reviews] is an independent review guide covering business and educational products and software. This website contains affiliate links and we may be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking these links.

Best react course on udemy

Udemy is an excellent marketplace for affordable, comprehensive courses on all manner of subjects. The ones available for those looking to learn React programming are no different.

However, with all that choice it can be difficult to know what course to dive into and take. Well, we are here to help.

In this top 10 review round-up, we have carefully selected 10 of the best React courses currently running on Udemy in 2022. Whether you are looking for a fully intensive course or a beginner-friendly option to test the waters you will find something here to suit you.

For our top choice React courses at a glance, just head to the table below. For an in-depth review of each of the selected courses, keep on reading.

Best React Courses on Udemy






The Complete React Developer Course

39hrs of video
165 Resources
Lifetime Access

The Complete ReactJS Course

3.5hrs of Video
Lifetime Access


ReactJS, Angular & Vue JS Comparison

8hrs of video
12 Articles
30 Resources
Lifetime Access


Learn React by Building a Whatsapp Clone

6hrs of video
Lifetime Access


Advanced React & Redux

21hrs of video
8 Articles
Lifetime Access

Full Stack Project: Spring Boot 2.0 React JS, & Redux 

25hrs of video
11 Articles
3 Resources
Lifetime Access

Mastering Redux with React

1.5hrs of video
Lifetime Access

MERN Stack Front to Back: React, Redux & Node

12hrs of video
4 Articles
 2 Extra Resources
Lifetime Access


Gutenberg Blocks for Wordpress & React 

11hrs of video
5 Articles
Lifetime Access

Server Side Rendering with React & redux

8hrs of video
4 Articles
Lifetime Access

The Reviews

The following reviews focus on 10 of the best React JS courses that are currently being offered on Udemy.

Best React Courses for Beginners

1. BEST COMPLETE COURSE: Complete React Developer Course


This is a complete 40-hour long React developer course that covers the basics of how to build React web apps with React and related development tools including Redux code library, React-Router navigational components, and Webpack for bundling the React code with React-DOM while allowing ReactJS.NET to be used in server-side rendering.

This course uses ES6/ES7 JavaScript for building and testing React web applications, and the learner is also taught how to deploy and launch these applications.

Additionally, the learner gains knowledge of how to write codes for creating and managing user accounts in these apps, as well as how to set up and manage account authentication. This is the best complete react developer course in this review.

As mentioned, this course is designed to last for 40 hours (of continuous lectures). There are 200 lectures that cover its 19 sections. This course provides 39 hours of on-demand video lectures and 165 downloadable resources, and upon course completion, the learner receives a certificate of completion.

More than 67,000 students have taken this course. The last update on the course contents was done in October 2020.

Key aspects of this course are explained below.
  • Target Audience: Beginners in React who have basic knowledge of web development.
  • Course Type: Tutorials.
  • Rating: 4.7/5 from 18,631 ratings.
  • Language: Lecture videos are in English with autogenerated Portuguese, English, and Polish subtitles.

The Tutor

Andrew Mead is a full-stack developer who has been offering programming and computer science courses in Udemy since 2014. He graduated from Temple University with a degree in Computer Science.


Basic familiarity with the following concepts:

  • HTML coding.
  • JavaScript programming.
  • Functions, arrays, objects, and classes.


The key topics covered in the course include the following:
  • Setup of Visual Studio Code, Yarn, and Node.JS.
  • Web server setup.
  • React and ES6/ES7 basics.
  • React components, including stateless functional components.
  • Webpack.
  • Styling React code.
  • React-Router.
  • Redux.
  • Firebase.
  • Hooks, Context, and Fragments.
  • Jest and Enzyme.
  • GitHub.

Registration for this React course gives one-lifetime access to course contents, which can be accessed via the internet-enabled PC, SmartTV, and mobile devices.

2. Complete ReactJS Course 2022


This is a 4-hour long course on React JS that focuses on web applications. The learner is taught how to import, handle, export, and work with React modules, as well as how to work with JSX for DOM handling.

Also, it covers the lifecycle of React components, as well as how to use class-based and function-based components. Rendering with React is also taught, alongside ES6 JS.

These aforementioned lessons are designed to help the learner to create a dynamic website using React. This is the best complete React JS course in this review. It covers this JS library really well.

As mentioned, this course is designed to last for about 4 hours. There are 26 lectures that cover its 8 sections. This course provides 3.5 hours of on-demand video lectures and upon course completion, the learner receives a certificate of completion.

More than 65,240 students have taken this course. The last update on the course contents was done in May 2020.

Key aspects of this course are explained below.
  • Target Audience: Beginners in React who have basic knowledge of web development.
  • Course Type: Tutorials.
  • Rating: 4.2 from 506 ratings.
  • Language: Lecture videos are in English with auto-generated English subtitles.

The Tutor

The course prepared and taught by Qaifi Khan and Mavludin Abdulkadirov, in collaboration with the provider of skill-based education, EdYoda Digital University. The lead instructor is Qaifi Khan, who is a front-end developer with a degree in Computer Science Degree.


Basic familiarity with the following concepts:

  • HTML coding.
  • JavaScript programming.
  • CSS and ES6 JS.


The key topics covered in the course include the following:
  • React and ES6/ES7 basics.
  • JSX.
  • React components.
  • Styling components.
  • Component life cycle.

Registration for this React course gives one-lifetime access to course contents, which can be accessed via the internet-enabled PC, SmartTV, and mobile devices.

3. BEST FOR BEGINNERS (THEORY): Quickstart React JS, Angular & Vue JS


This is an 8-hour introductory course to JS libraries of React and Vue, along with the JavaScript Framework called Angular (which is described in the review of Best Angular courses on Udemy).

It covers the theoretical basis of these libraries and JS framework, with emphasis placed on understanding the JS ecosystem and its libraries and development tools, and how these (libraries and tools) can be used together to build a JS app from scratch.

This course provides a firm foundation for a person who wants to use React Native to build a mobile app. As expected, this is the best theoretical course in this review for beginners.

This course is designed to last for about 8 hours. There are 144 lectures that cover its 8 sections. This course provides 8 hours of on-demand video lectures, 12 articles, and 30 downloadable resources; and upon course completion, the learner receives a certificate of completion.

More than 12,510 students have taken this course. The last update on the course contents was done in November 2020.

Key aspects of this course are explained below.
  • Target Audience: Beginners in React who have basic knowledge of web development.
  • Course Type: Tutorials.
  • Rating: 4.7 from 2,387 ratings.
  • Language: Lecture videos are in English with autogenerated Spanish, English, and Portuguese subtitles.

The Tutor

The course prepared and taught by Maximilian Schwarzmüller, in collaboration with the provider of online education, Academind. Maximilian Schwarzmüller is a web developer with an MBA.


Basic familiarity with the following concepts:

  • HTML coding.
  • JavaScript programming.
  • ES6 JS.


The key topics covered in the course include the following:
  • JavaScript libraries and web frameworks.
  • jQuery.
  • React and ES6/ES7 basics.
  • JSX.
  • Vue JS basics.
  • React components.
  • Angular JS application framework.

Registration for this React course gives one-lifetime access to course contents, which can be accessed via the internet-enabled PC, SmartTV, and mobile devices.

4. BEST FOR BEGINNERS (PRACTICAL): Learn Ionic React by Building a Whatsapp Clone

This 6-hour long course is designed to provide a hands-on approach to using Ionic JS framework for building React apps, with the learner required to build a clone of WhatsApp using React and Ionic application framework.

As expected, Ionic JS framework is a substitute for the Angular JS framework, as they both serve the same function – which is to allow one to build a mobile app using React.

This course focuses on using Ionic React, especially its Ionic command line (CLI) tool, as well as designing UI using Ionic React.

The lifecycle of Ionic application programming interface (API) and use of Capacitor APIs are taught. This is the best practical course in this review for beginners.

This course is designed to last for about 6 hours. There are 29 lectures that cover its 7 sections. This course provides 6 hours of on-demand video lectures, and upon course completion, the learner receives a certificate of completion.

More than 90 students have taken this course. The last update on the course contents was done in November 2020.
The following are the course’s main highlights.

Key aspects of this course are explained below.
  • Target Audience: Beginners in React who have basic knowledge of web development.
  • Course Type: Tutorials.
  • Rating: 4.5 from 19 ratings.
  • Language: Lecture videos are in English with autogenerated Spanish, English, and Portuguese subtitles.

The Tutor

Fikayo Adepoju is a Full-stack developer, technical writer, and tech content creator proficient in Web and Mobile technologies and DevOps with over 10 years of experience.


  • HTML coding.
  • JavaScript programming.
  • Basic knowledge of React and ES6 JS.
  • Installation of Ionic CLI and Node.JS.


The key topics covered in the course include the following:
  • Ionic JS application framework.
  • Ionic components.
  • Ionic CLI.
  • Ionic APIs.
  • Firebase.

Registration for this React course gives one-lifetime access to course contents, which can be accessed via the internet-enabled PC, SmartTV, and mobile devices.

Best React Courses for Intermediate Level Learners

5. BEST INTERMEDIATE COURSE: Advanced React and Redux


This is an intermediate-level React developer course that covers advanced React v16.6.3, its Higher Order Component, scalable API, authentication, Jest, Enzyme, and Redux v4.0.0 as a middleware.

It discusses both token-based and cookie-based authentication, as well as how to use Passport, MongoDB, and Express with authenticatable and scalable APIs.

Additionally, the learner is taught how to build composable components. This is the best intermediate-level react programming course in this review.

This course is designed to last for 21 hours (of continuous lectures). There are 240 lectures that cover its 12 sections.

This course provides 21 hours of on-demand video lectures and 8 articles, and upon course completion, the learner receives a certificate of completion.

More than 70,500 students have taken this course.

Key aspects of this course are explained below.
  • Target Audience: React developers who have intermediate-level knowledge of Redux.
  • Course Type: Tutorials.
  • Rating: 4.6 from 9,737 ratings.
  • Language: Lecture videos are in English with autogenerated Portuguese, Indonesian, Romanian, Spanish, Italian, and Polish subtitles.

The Tutor

Stephen Grider is an Engineering Architect and front-end developer who has been offering React programming courses in Udemy.


Knowledge of:

  • HTML and CSS coding.
  • JavaScript programming.
  • React JS. Intermediate-level understanding of Redux.


The key topics covered in the course include the following:
  • Redux.
  • Higher-Order Components.
  • Web server setup.
  • Server-side authentication.
  • Client-side authentication.
  • Jest.
  • Enzyme.
  • GitHub.

Registration for this React course gives one-lifetime access to course contents, which can be accessed via the internet-enabled PC, SmartTV, and mobile devices.

6. Full Stack Project: Spring Boot 2.0, ReactJS, Redux


This is a full-stack developer course that culminates in the learner building a personal project management tool with React, Spring Boot, and RESTful API, and thereafter deploying it to Heroku.

The student learns how to use Spring Boot 2.0 of the Spring Framework to develop a RESTful API, and then secure this API with JWT web token and Spring Security.

As expected, React JS programming is used to build the web application, while Redux and React are used to bind the API with the app. This is the best full-stack project course in this review.

This course is designed to last for 25 hours. There are 110 lectures that cover its 8 sections. This course provides 25 hours of on-demand video lectures, 11 articles, and 3 downloadable resources; and upon course completion, the learner receives a certificate of completion.

More than 7,800 students have taken this course. The last update on the course contents was done in January 2020.

Key aspects of this course are explained below.
  • Target Audience: React developers who have intermediate-level knowledge of Redux.
  • Course Type: Tutorials.
  • Rating: 4.6 from 9,737 ratings.
  • Language: Lecture videos are in English with autogenerated Portuguese, Indonesian, Romanian, Spanish, Italian, and Polish subtitles.

The Tutor

Agile Intelligence, an online education provider run by Carlos Arosemena, has prepared this course. It has also uploaded 2 full-stack projects in Udemy – this course and another closely related course that applies Spring Boot 2.1.


Knowledge of:

  • Spring Framework.
  • JavaScript programming.
  • React JS.
  • Intermediate-level understanding of Redux.


The key topics covered in the course include the following:
  • Redux.
  • Spring Backend.
  • RESTful API.
  • App authentication.
  • App security: JWT web token and Spring Security.
  • Heroku.

Registration for this React course gives one-lifetime access to course contents, which can be accessed via the internet-enabled PC, SmartTV, and mobile devices.

7. Mastering Redux with React


This developer course is designed for intermediate React programmers who want to master Redux using their React skills.

It is a short lecture that focuses on reducers, actions, and the store, and how to use Redux when building a JS native app.

This course can be taken before one takes the aforementioned Advanced React and Redux course, as well as the Server-Side Rendering with React and Redux developer course, both of which are offered by Stephen Grider.

This course is designed to last for about 1 hour and 40 minutes. There are 7 lectures that cover its single section. This course provides 1.5 hours of on-demand video lectures, and upon course completion, the learner receives a certificate of completion.

More than 200 students have taken this course. The last update on the course contents was done in August 2017.

Key aspects of this course are explained below.
  • Target Audience: React developers who want to learn how to use Redux.
  • Course Type: Tutorials.
  • Rating: 4.9 from 67 ratings.
  • Language: Lecture videos are in English with auto-generated English subtitles.

The Tutor

Ray Smith is a full-stack JS developer.


Knowledge of:

  • JavaScript programming.
  • React JS.
  • Familiarity with create-react-app.


The key topics covered in the course include the following:
  • Redux basics.
  • Action.
  • Reducer.
  • Store.

Registration for this React course gives one-lifetime access to course contents, which can be accessed via the internet-enabled PC, SmartTV, and mobile devices.

8. MERN Stack Front to Back with Full Stack React, Redux, and Node.JS


This is another full-stack developer course. In this course, the learner builds a social networking app React, Express, Redux, MongoDB and Node.JS, and then deploys it using a post-build script to Heroku.

The student learns how to integrate the React front-end part of the app with the Express back, while state management is handled with Redux.

Moreover, Async/Await and Hooks are also taught. Additionally, the learner learns how to secure the app using stateless JWT authentication.

This course is designed to last for 12 hours. There are 73 lectures that cover its 13 sections. This course provides 12 hours of on-demand video lectures, 4 articles, and 2 downloadable resources; and upon course completion, the learner receives a certificate of completion.

More than 47,100 students have taken this course. The last update on the course contents was done in November 2019.

Key aspects of this course are explained below.
  • Target Audience: React developers who have intermediate-level knowledge of Redux.
  • Course Type: Tutorials.
  • Rating: 4.6 from 12,392 ratings.
  • Language: Lecture videos are in English with autogenerated French, Indonesian, English, and Italian subtitles.

The Tutor

Brad Traversy is a full-stack web developer with 5 years of teaching experience.


Knowledge of:

  • Node basics.
  • JavaScript programming.
  • ES6.
  • Intermediate-level understanding of Redux.


The key topics covered in the course include the following:
  • Redux.
  • Express backend.
  • MongoDB.
  • API routes.
  • App security with JWT authentication.
  • Heroku.

Registration for this React course gives one lifetime access to course contents, which can be accessed via the internet-enabled PC, SmartTV, and mobile devices.

Best React Course for Experts

9. BEST FOR WORDPRESS DEVELOPERS: Gutenberg Blocks for WordPress & React Developers


This course is designed to teach a React programmer how to use Gutenberg with WordPress, React, and Redux. Gutenberg is the block editor that was introduced in WordPress 5.0 as its content editor.

This block editor can be programmed to work with React so as to build a visually-stunning website by creating an aesthetic content layout.

The student is trained how to use libraries when building a complex Gutenberg block, as well as how to customize Gutenberg features in a WordPress theme.

Additionally, the learner is taught how to create a nested block and how to handle a deprecated block. One is also taught how to integrate ESLint, husky, and Prettier into the workflow, in addition to using webpack to transpile JSX and JS codes. This is the best React course in this review for WordPress developers.

This course is designed to last for 12 hours. There are 120 lectures that cover its 10 sections. This course provides 11 hours of on-demand video lectures and 5 articles; and upon course completion, the learner receives a certificate of completion.

More than 1,850 students have taken this course.

Key aspects of this course are explained below.
  • Target Audience: React developers who understand Redux and WordPress development.
  • Course Type: Tutorials.
  • Rating: 4.3 from 282 ratings.
  • Language: Lecture videos are in English with auto-generated English subtitles.

The Tutor

Ali Alaa is a front-end web developer from Egypt with 7 years of coding experience.


Knowledge of:

  • WordPress development.
  • NodeJS and Yarn/NPM.
  • JavaScript programming.
  • PHP.
  • React and Redux.
  • Local Server such as Laragon, XAMPP, or MAMP.


The key topics covered in the course include the following:
  • Gutenberg Block Editor.
  • Webpack
  • WordPress themes.
  • Redux with Gutenberg.
  • Nested block.
  • Metadata management.
  • Dynamic block.

Registration for this React course gives one-lifetime access to course contents, which can be accessed via the internet-enabled PC, SmartTV, and mobile devices.

10. Server-Side Rendering with React and Redux


This advanced-level React programming course focuses on server-side rendering (SSR) with Redux, React, and React-Router.

The learner is required to build apps using Universal JS, SSR, and Isomorphic techniques. Also, the student is taken through the process of constructing a scalable server architecture, and load data using it, as well as using React, Redux, and React-Router to master SEO.

Likewise, the SSR boilerplate project allows the learner to understand the challenges of SSR. This is the best React course in this review for server-side rendering.

This course is designed to last for 9 hours. There are 95 lectures that cover its 13 sections. This course provides 8 hours of on-demand video lectures and 4 articles, and upon course completion, the learner receives a certificate of completion.

More than 20,300 students have taken this course.

Key aspects of this course are explained below.
  • Target Audience: React developers who understand Redux, React-Router, and Express.
  • Course Type: Tutorials.
  • Rating: 4.8 from 3,069 ratings.
  • Language: Lecture videos are in English with autogenerated Portuguese, Indonesian, Romanian, Thai, and Polish subtitles.

The Tutor

Stephen Grider is an Engineering Architect and front-end developer who has been offering React programming courses in Udemy.


Knowledge of:

  • Express.
  • JavaScript programming.
  • React JS.
  • Redux and React-router.


The key topics covered in the course include the following:
  • Web server setup.
  • Server architecture.
  • Boilerplate project.
  • Universal JS and Isomorphic techniques.
  • Server-side rendering.
  • Code cleaning.
  • Error handling.
  • SEO.

Registration for this React course gives lifetime access to course contents, which can be accessed via the internet-enabled PC, SmartTV, and mobile devices.


About V50

The editorial team here at is made up of a number of writers based all over the world. Our interests and experience cover the full range of what we talk about here. Clare Turner is one of our key contributers writing about the home. David Lachance is our resident e-commerce and business guru, if it's anything to do with that, he's your man. Kevin Simpson takes care of the website layout and publishing and also heads up our education section, with in-depth reviews and articles on courses and training. Find out more about all of us here.

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