Gifting a PaintYourLife Custom Painting – Reaction Videos is an independent review guide covering business and educational products and software. This website contains affiliate links and we may be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking these links.

paintyourlife dog pic
Image Credit: (Artist George R)

I’ve ordered a number of paintings from Paint Your Life and have created an in-depth review of the services here.

Unfortunately, the paintings that I have ordered as gifts (two so far), I’ve not been in a position to record the reaction of my loved ones as they open them.

This is a shame as I know they have been blown away by seeing their special memories turned into artwork. Alas, I live abroad and at some distance from my family, (hence wanting to send these gifts in the first place), and have missed out on being there on these special occasions.

All the same, Paint Your Life has posted a number of reaction videos on its Youtube channel and Facebook page. Some of these are absolute gems.

Today, I thought I’d put a collection of the best ones together so that we can all bask vicariously in the emotions that these paintings have provoked.

PaintYourLife Reaction Videos – Compilation

This video is one of the most viewed on the channel and is a lovely compilation of short clips of loved ones that have received a painting.

From what is clearly a grandmother reduced to tears, to a grown man made speechless from a present from his wife. You’d be hard-pushed not to smile when watching this one.

The video will also give you an idea of the quality on offer, and what people think about the service overall.

People react to a painting of their relatives who passed away

This one is a real-tear jerker as the title clearly indicates. It is not actually posted by the PaitYourLife crew, so bear that in mind.

The author of the video has edited together a number of Paint Your Life reaction videos to make this, (which does beg the question of whether those featured in the selection have given the consent).

It is a good example of just how powerful a painting can be when a deceased loved one is featured in it. If you would like to gift a painting of this nature, I do recommend that you check out the Paint Your Life website.

Reactions to pet paintings created by Pait Your Life

This next series of videos is where a person has been gifted a painting of their pet. The love for our animals is very strong of course, these paintings testify to that in a big way.

Using Paint Your Life for pet pictures is not something I have done myself, however, they understandably do make an impact.

The videos are short, however, if you click the playlist in the Youtube menu (or just leave the videos to roll onto the next one), you should be able to view a number of them.

If you would like to have a picture of a pet turned into art, click the link below.

An owner brought to tears after seeing a painting of her dog

The description for this video gives context to the story, which is a sad one. The painting is of a dog named Odin who passed on 8/13/19.

He had been diagnosed with idiopathic epilepsy and the owner had tried everything, including natural alternative treatment to make him better. He was like a shadow and never left her side. In her words:

“He was a goofball and truly one of a kind. Everyone that met him instantly fell in love with him. He was a very special boy and he showed me so much strength and courage!”

Revealing a beautiful painting of a dog

The person in this video ordered the painting for her son’s birthday. It is of his dog and as she states in the description of the video, she was very happy with the results.

A mother sees an amazing painting of her children and her dog

This was painting was ordered as part of a Hanukkah gift. When it arrived the customer was so excited to give the painting as a gift, she couldn’t wait for the big day. She made her niece come into work on the day she was going on vacation so she could give it to her!

The customer had this to say about the process:

I was nervous about going thru the process. But you guys are unbelievable. I got an email every step of the way. And the painting even came earlier than expected. Thank you so much.

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